

In the past, there was little assistive tech available to help dyslexics, but in more recent times the playing pitch has changed with ever-increasing resources out there that actually help dyslexics.

Recommended Tools & Resources

Our aim is to draw the attention of anyone with an interest in dyslexia to check out resources that are out there that actually help dyslexics out in practical ways to make life easier. We are currently not affiliated with featured resource providers and are happy to recommend that you check out whats on offer.

Orcam Technology

Orcam offers personal assistive handheld and wearable AI devices that increase confidence and independence and can enrich dyslexics daily lives.

Video 1 – The promotional video will give you details as to why their “Orcam Read” product is a game changer for dyslexics with reading difficulties.

Video 2 – Supporting Students with Learning Challenges Through DSA

Video 3 – Support For People With Reading and Learning Challenges in the Workplace.

Listen to our Podcast with Lauren Jeffrey of Orcam who discusses how Orcam helps students with reading and learning challenges.

Dyslexia Association of Ireland

A useful resource – click the button for their site.


Aventido is a company that works with organisations worldwide that are creating solutions that enable us all to live, learn, and work be they new, innovative, emerging, or established and industry-leading.

A Specialist Company

That operate in the dyslexia space that offer all sorts of services of interest

What is of interest is that they offer a range of assistive technology solutions that are relevant to dyslexics, they also host webinars and conferences to advance and promote assistive tech. 

Visit their site to see upcoming webinars you can register for.

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