
Helping Dyslexic students enhance Skills

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Helping Dyslexic students enhance Skills

This week we speak to Russell Van Brocklen who’s business is Helping Dyslexic students enhance Skills in their academic lives. He helps
dyslexics overcome their challenges and unlock their potential. Russel trains students using scientifically-proven methods and strategies to improve reading, writing, and learning experiences. His students are given the skills to attend university and achieve success.

Russel’s contact details:

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In the Podcast, We discussed:

Russell on the misconception of dyslexia.
As there is no one size fits all at what point do you bring in assistive technology to support a child’s mental health and improve their confidence?
Identification of dyslexia of hard and a lot of people are still missing out, what can we do to improve this within schools?
How do you approach the subject that dyslexia is not just an educational problem?
Supporting frustrated parents trying to understand their child’s needs and what support can be put in place at home?
Many people think that dyslexia stops when you leave education, how can this perception be improved?

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